Dec. 12 Livestream – Look forward

On this, the third Sunday of Advent, we don’t need to be reminded to look forward. We’re already doing it, looking ahead to Christmas and the miraculous birth. Let us take this moment and pause, and remember the joy God’s love brings to the world.


 PRELUDE – Offertory – Purvis 

*CALLING ONE ANOTHER TO WORSHIP                                                                            

    One:  Be glad, children of God!

    All:   Our Savior Jesus Christ offers love to all the world!

    One:  Sing praises to God, the Holy One, who brings light and life! 

    All:   God lights our way!   

    One:  God lifts our spirits!

    All:   Glory to God for the biggest gift of all –  Jesus Christ!

*HYMN – Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus – #187    

*OPENING PRAYER                                                         

    God Emmanuel; open our hearts to receive you Life in the fast lane does have its rewards But earthly rewards alone do not offer fulfillment The frenzy of the outside world leaves us exhausted So we gather this day seeking you, God of â€˜perpetually-arriving’ light!  We praise and adore you May we celebrate your overflowing gifts by living as joyful witnesses to your love We pray in your name, Christ Jesus Amen.

ADVENT WREATH CANDLE LIGHTING – The Candle of Joy                                                          


         Gracious God, as we continue our Advent journey, we ask that you open our eyes to the beauty and goodness around us, and fill our hearts with grateful joyRemind us that Christ is our light and the source of all joy, and that we are here to serve you and to spread this joy to others Amen.

 CONGREGATION SINGS – When God Is a Child (Verse 3) – worship booklet, p95

 GOD’S WORD – Isaiah 12:2-6 – Pastor Dan

SPECIAL MUSIC                  

GOD’S WORD – Luke 1:26-38 – Pastor Dan    

SERMON – Pastor Dan


*HYMN – Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee –#13

*SENDING OUT – God sends us to freely offer Christ’s grace and joy to all! – Pastor Dan

*POSTLUDE – A Joyous Carol – Roques

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