Prayers of Joy and Gratitude

Praise God for the extended, faithful ministry of our substitute worship Musician Bob Meinz.  Our congregation has been richly blessed through his music.  Bob’s final worship service playing here was Sunday, Sept. 29.  Following worship on that Sunday, the Ivy Board of Deacons hosted a Reception in honor of Bob Meinz and in thanksgiving for his meaningful time among us.

Praise God!  Thanks for our congregation’s prayers for Leslie Herbst (daughter of Molyneaux) who has been released from treatment for now until the new year.  Grateful to God that Leslie is doing well!

We celebrate the birthday of Owen Knoblauch, and  his August 4th baptism at Zion UCC in Union, MO.  Thank God for this blessed child!

We offer God our praises for the unique Call to Ministry of the Rev. Laura Hertenstein-Mignerone, who is serving as pastor and teacher at St. Phillips United Church of Christ and St. John United Church of Christ – St. Clair.  This sacred calling from God was celebrated with a special afternoon worship at St. Phillips UCC on Sunday, August 4, 2024.  

We praise God for the June 26th birth of Samuel Thomas Glenn (son of Alex and Amanda Glenn; grandson of Tom and Debbie Glenn). 

We are thankful that Nick Wintrode is home from the hospital. May Nick continue feeling better!

We rejoice that Holly Winship, Audrey Farrell and Jane Farrell were blessed with a fun, meaningful safe week in June at U.C.C. church camp!   —-July 7, 2024

We praise God for the June 15 birth of Harper (daughter of Kate and Kevin; granddaughter of Paul). 

We rejoice that Wynter Ward (daughter of Mariah and Zack Ward) came home from the hospital May 28!

We praise God for the birth of Wynter Rae Ward (daughter of Mariah and Zack Ward; granddaughter of Russ and Debbie Washburn) who was born on Mother’s Day, May 12th!  What a marvelous gift from God! 

John Weiland was named “Engineer of the Year” by the Engineers’ Club of St. Louis.  This is a tremendous honor!  Congratulations, John! (2024) 

Michael Bradley Kuntzman (son of Amanda and Bradley Kuntzman) came home from the hospital Feb. 21, 2024.  Big, strong, and healthy!  Praise God!

Tara Waterman was named “Teacher of the Year” at Green Pines Elementary School!  The school pulled off a surprise assembly to award Tara this honor on Feb. 12, 2024.  Well done!

Thanks be to God!  Pat Winship is recovering after January 22, 2024 surgery.  All is going well. 

Michael Kuntzman (son of Amanda and Bradley K.) no longer requires oxygen.  Praise God, Michael is gaining strength and growing! 

Owen K. (child of friends of Wilsons) is now off oxygen overnight.  Thank you, God! 

Praise God for the strong recovery of Mike Waller following surgery!  We give God glory for Mike’s continued healing. 

We humbly thank God for the healing of Jenny Knips (niece of K. Kuntzman) who had Dec. 23, 2023  emergency surgery.  Jenny is home from the hospital and doing well.   

Praise God for the special music offered as part of 2023 Christmas Eve Worship by Valerie Waterman and Bob Meinz.  All is well!  

Praise God for “The Nativity in Words and Music” marvelous, instrumental music offered in worship on Sunday, Dec. 17 by three cellists:  Rachel Benitez Borrego, Sarah Reifschneider and Kathryn Kuntzman!  What a lovely celebration of Christ’s Birth!  (2023) 

We give God thanks for the birth of Ayven Jonah Dalavai, son of Sunitha and Eldindabwai Singapogu.  Praise God for blessing us with a child!  

We rejoice in astonishment that Alix and Haven Dorsainvil, who were kidnapped July 27, 2023 while serving God at El Roi Haiti (a medical ministry near Port-au-Prince), have been released!  Miraculous!  Thank you, Christ Jesus, for the safe release of Alix and Haven.  This is an astonishing blessing!   

We praise God for the July birth of Owen Knoblauch, son of Caeligh and Nick Knoblauch.  Thanks be to God for the sacred gift of a child.  Hallelujah! 

We praise God for the April 22 birth of Mustafa, son of Shahida Mohammadi and Aimal Salihi.  Glory be to God for the blessing of new life! 

We rejoice with the family of Tom McCarthy, who was able to come home from the hospital on Easter Sunday, April 9!  How amazing that, of all days, Tom returned home on Resurrection Day!  Praise God! (2023)  

We praise God that Peter LaSalle was released from the hospital and Peter is home.  Thank God for this blessing! (3/5/2023)

We rejoice with Rudi and Heide Lauer that Rudi has made a strong recovery following Dec. 2022 surgery!

We praise God for the healing which Dottie Foster has experienced and is experiencing.  Dottie was released from Surrey Place and moved home on February 1st.  A precious and remarkable blessing! 2023 

We are grateful to God for continued healing of Damar Hamlin (NFL player; safety for Buffalo Bills) who was hospitalized following injury during Jan. 2 football game.  Praise God for Damar’s amazing recovery!

We celebrate that Greg Waller (son of Mike and Kim Waller) was selected and honored as “Teacher of the Year at River Bend Elementary School.”  Greg is a 3rd Grade teacher at the school.  Congratulations, Greg! 

We praise God for the birth of Eleanor Grace Bowman (daughter of Erin and Scott Bowman) who was born October 31.  

We praise God for the birth of Beckham Nash Gosser (son of Emma Kavalauskas and Steven Gosser; grandson of George Kavalauskas and Amy Sheahan Kavalauskas) who was born Sept. 2, 2022.  Glory be to God for the blessing of new life!

We give God thanks for the healing and recovery of Edith Simmers (sister of Rose) who had a stroke on August 18.  Edith is now home from rehab and doing well.  We rejoice! (2022)

Praise God for Frieda Clark’s 16 years of devoted, faithful service the Church Office Manager of Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ.  We are grateful to God for blessing our congregation with Frieda’s leadership. 

Praise God for the recovery of Susan Niemeier (daughter of Jane and Fred Niemeier) who had major surgery June 7, 2022.  Susan is home from the hospital continuing to recover.

We praise God for the birth of Margaret “Maggie” Rae Kuntzman (daughter of Bradley and Amanda Kuntzman; granddaughter of Thom and Kathryn Kuntzman) on July 11, 2022.  Thank you, God of Amazing Grace, for the gift of life! 

We rejoice that Mike Waller has accepted the position of Minister of Music/Worship Musician at Ivy Chapel UCC!  (6/1/2022)

We rejoice at the May 19 birth of Andrew Christopher Massmann (son of Heather and Chris Massmann; grandson of Mark and Deb Foster; great-grandson of Dottie Foster).  Praise God! (2022)

We rejoice with Nick Wintrode and his family!  Nick graduated from Parkway Central High School on May 20, 2022.   Congratulations, Nick! 

We rejoice with Calvin Heend and his family!  On May 13, 2022, Calvin received a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Science and Technology from Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO.  Congratulations, Calvin!

We rejoice with Amanda Clark and Bradley Kuntzman whose lives were joined together in marriage on Saturday, May 7, 2022.  Praise God for this blessing! 

Praise and thanks to God that Jean Shelton (sister of J. Molyneaux) is home from the hospital!  

We praise God for the successful surgery which Ellen Glenn (sister-in-law of Tom and D. Glenn) underwent on Feb. 18.  Ellen is home from the hospital and doing well.  (2022)

A huge, huge “Thank You” to all of God’s angels   –   big and small, old and young!   –   who offered the lovely story of Jonathan Toomey (book by Susan Wojciechowski adapted) as our all-church Christmas Pageant in worship.  Exceptional thanks to Tara Lowry for her creative leadership!  Thank you to Linda Lowry for all of her help with the pageant and for providing punch and cookies for fellowship time immediately following worship.  What a joyous and praise-filled occasion it was!  Glory be to God!

Thanks be to God, Jane Dunehew (mother of S. Heend) is home following spinal surgery and rehab.  Great news!

We give thanks that Sami Anderson (sister of LaSalles’ daughter-in-law Jaime) who had a severe case of COVID has recovered.  Thanks be to God! 

We give God thanks and praise for that Kathryn Kuntzman is experiencing continued improvement in kidney function and she is back to teaching private lessons and playing concerts with Webster University.  Thank God. 

We rejoice that Joshua Lockyear (grandson of K. Kuntzman; son of John Lockyear), who was treated for acute leukemia, is now (in the words of his grandmother) “a happy, healthy 7th grader.”  Thank God for this blessing!

Paul Farrell (husband of S. Farrell) had wrist surgery on Oct. 20.  All went well and Paul is healing up. We are grateful! (2021)

Gary Lindhorst is doing very well following August 4 outpatient shoulder surgery.  We praise God for Gary’s successful surgery, and we continue praying for healing.  (2021)

We give God thanks and praise that Jan Wirtz’ June 15 surgery went smoothly and she is doing well now. (2021)

Thanksgiving for good medical test results received in May by Ann Molyneaux.  Gratitude to God for accompanying Ann each step of the way on her journey during the past several months.  Welcome news! (2021) 

We praise God that Thom Kuntzman is doing very well following lengthy medical procedures, treatment and convalescence.  We are humbled by and grateful for Thom’s recovery.  (2021) 

Praise God that after many, many months of care and rehab, Dave Tenorio (friend of Wildlife Rescue Center, and Kim Rutledge) has recovered from COVID-19.  Dave and his wife Kathy were in our Ivy Chapel UCC prayers in April 2020 when Dave was hospitalized.  Dave is home now, and we thank God for blessing him with healing.

Glory be to God!  We give God thanks that after many weeks in the hospital extremely sick with COVID-19, Ted Moore (Blue Stars Drum Corps friend of Wilsons) has been released home.  What a tremendous blessing and gift of new life!

Praise God for the birth of Victoria Lynn Buergel (daughter of Jamie and Jonny; great-granddaughter of D. Foster) who was born November 25, 2020.

We rejoice with the family of Emmett Matthew Amsler (son of Kathryn and Matt Amsler; grandchild of Gary and Sue Lindhorst) who was baptized November 21st. (2020)

Erin Moody (daughter of Mark and Jo Ann Moody) and Scott Bowman were married October 24, 2020.  Praise God!

Praise God our Ivy Chapel UCC 4th Graders (Audrey, Rory, and Miller) received Gift Bibles from our congregation.  These Bibles were presented to them at an outdoor gathering in the area near our church pavilion on Sunday afternoon, October 25, 2020.  Congratulations, young disciples!

Praise God for the lengthy, fruitful ministry of Linda Lowry as Ivy Chapel UCC Youth Program Coordinator.  Linda retired at the end of September 2020.

Congratulations to Alex Glenn (son of Tom and Debbie Glenn) and Amanda Rhodes who were married on August 28th. (2020)

Praise God for the birth of Weston Joseph Bassler (son of Suzanne and Tim Bassler) who was born on June 10th. (2020)

We rejoice at the birth of Emma Grace Crooks (great-granddaughter of Earl and Kay Kreder).  Praise God for new life!

We rejoice at the birth of Emmett Matthew Amsler (son of Matt and Katie Amsler; grandson of Gary and Sue Lindhorst) born July 6, 2020.  Praise God for this joyous blessing!

Praise God for the birth of Annabelle Phillips (daughter of Michelle LaSalle Phillips and Peter Phillips; granddaughter of Sally Dodge and Peter LaSalle) who was born May 19, 2020. 

We rejoice at the birth of James Foster Massman (son of Heather and Chris Massman; great-grandchild of Ronn and Dottie Foster).  Praise God for the miracle of new life! 

With great joy at the selection of Lee Headrick as 2019 Ivy Chapel UCC Whale-of-a-Fellow Award recipient!  This congregation is enormously blessed through the life and ministries of Lee Headrick.  Alleluia!

We rejoice with Colton Burton and Ashton Wilson who were joined in marriage on January 29, 2020.  God’s blessings to you!

Prayers of joy and thanksgiving for healthy, newborn grandson Weston William Grote (child of Kyle and Megan Grote; grandson of Mike and Donna Grote) born October 2.  Praise God! (2019)

Celebration of the 21st anniversary of Peter LaSalle’s liver transplant.  Praise God! (2019)

Michael Winship had heart valve surgery July 1, 2018.  By the grace of God, Michael has been blessed with a steady, strong recovery.  Praise God for Michael’s healing.

With complete amazement, we give God thanks and praise!  How wonderful that the 12 young Thai soccer players and their coach of the Wild Boars Soccer Team were all safely rescued from !  We praise all of the caring people of so many nationalities who worked cooperatively, creatively and tirelessly to rescue the team.  We rejoice in this miracle of God.  Amazing!

We rejoice that God so abundantly blessed Michael Winship’s heart valve surgery.  Thank you, God!  (July 1, 2018)

We give God thanks and praise for the April 22, 2018 birth of Macie Jo Kempa (daughter of Jessica and Conrad; granddaughter of Debbie and Tom Glenn).  The miracle of birth!

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