October 1 – World Communion Sunday

Because of you, God’s church changes lives! Today, we join Christians around the world in celebrating World Communion Sunday. If you are worshipping with us from home, please gather the elements before the service begins so we may partake at Christ’s table together.

Watch this week’s service on YouTube.



One: Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
All: In all its fullness, the world belongs to God!
One: How astonishing is the goodness of God.
All: Watch and listen closely; for God is here.
One: God is continuously nourishing life!
All: God’s blessings abundantly overflow!

*HYMN – Christ for the World We Sing – #545

Christ for the world we sing, the world to Christ we bring,
With loving zeal;
The poor, and them that mourn,the faint and overborne,
Sinsick and sorrow-worn, For Christ to heal.

Christ for the world we sing, the world to Christ we bring,
With fervent prayer;
The wayward and the lost, by restless passions tossed,
Redeemed at countless cost, From dark despair.

Christ for the world we sing, the world to Christ we bring,
With one accord,
With us the work to share, with us reproach to dare,
With us the cross to bear, For Christ our Lord.

Christ for the world we sing, the world to Christ we bring,
With joyful song;
The newborn souls, whose days, reclaimed from error’s ways,
Inspired with hope and praise, to Christ belong.

God, you are more than merely ‘beside us.’ You are the very life within us; for we are yours. All people are your children; and all are in your care. Human beings do not create our own security. You are our security, God.
You are the Maker of life, who shapes us and re-shapes us. All that is good and faithful comes from you. It is thanks to you, Ever-Creating God, that miracles blossom; that relationships are healthy; that sorrow receives comfort; that brokenness is healed; that souls purely love one another.
We are humbled by and thankful for your tender mercies, O God. Morning by morning, we seek you. Let your beauty be seen in us, we pray. Lead us as we continue on this life-long journey toward living as your children of grace. Amen.

*RESPONSE – We Are the Reason – #245

We are the reason that He gave His life,
We are the reason that He suffered and died.
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give,
To show us the reason to live.
(Sing two times)

GOD’S WORD– Exodus 17:1-7 – Sue Wilson



GOD’S WORD – Psalm 78:1-4, 12-16, 32, 37-39, 51-54 & Matthew 21:23-32 – Pastor Dan

SERMON – Pastor Dan

World Communion Sunday

*COMMUNION HYMN – Break Thou the Bread of Life – #175

Break Thou the Bread of Life, Dear Lord, to me,
As Thou didst break the loaves Beside the sea;
Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord;
My spirit pants for Thee, O Living Word.

Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me, to me,
As Thou didst bless the bread By Galilee;
Then shall all bondage cease, All fetters fall,
And I shall find my peace My All in all.

Thou art the Bread of Life, O Lord, to me,
Thy holy Word the truth That saveth me;
Give me to eat and live With Thee above;
Teach me to love Thy truth, For Thou art Love.

Oh, send Thy Spirit, Lord, Now unto me,
That He may touch my eyes, And make me see;
Show me the truth concealed Within Thy Word,
And in Thy Book revealed I see the Lord.


All who desire to receive the bread and the cup are welcome to share in the Sacrament at Christ’s Table. Cups in the outside ring on the communion tray contain grape juice. All other cups contain wine. Please come forward down the center aisle. Return to your seat by way of the West Side aisle.

God, we are grateful. You welcome us into your Church. You welcome all people as guests at your table. We thank you, Christ Jesus, for this communion. The bread and the cup are simple yet marvelous reminders of your holy love. We pray for all people throughout your world this day. May each and every person joyously experience being fed, nourished, strengthened, and loved by you! Amen.

*HYMN – Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love – worship booklet, p. 57

Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love,
show us how to serve the neighbors we have from you.

Kneels at the feet of his friends,
silently washes their feet,
Master who acts as a slave to them.

Neighbors are wealthy and poor,
varied in color and race,
neighbors are near us and far away.

These are the ones we should serve,
these are the ones we should love,
all these are neighbors to us and you.

Loving puts us on our knees,
silently washing their feet,
this is the way we should live with you.



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