September 1 — Be Love!

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ! A blessed Labor Day weekend to all.

As is our custom on the first Sunday of every month, today we gather around God’s table for communion. If you are worshipping with us from home, please collect the elements so we may celebrate together. All are welcome.


PRELUDE — Amazing Grace

*CALL TO WORSHIP — Pat Winship
One: Come, people of God.
All: This is the Sabbath Day, and we are drawn to God.
One: Come, and receive all that God longs to teach us.
All: It is a blessing to learn from God.
One: God’s grace is pouring into our lives.
All: The image of God is within each one of us.
One: We are here to touch the hem of Christ’s grace;
All: To let go of our worries and to be cleansed of our sins;
One: To savor hope and to linger in mystery.
All: We are here to touch God, and to be touched by God.

*HYMN — Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love — worship booklet, p. 57

Jesu, Jesu fill us with your love,
Show us how to serve the neighbors we have from you.

Knelt at the feet of his friends, silently washing their feet,
Jesu you acted as servant to them.

Neighbors are rich and poor, varied in color and race,
Neighbors are near and far away.

These are the ones we should serve, these are the ones we should love;
All these are neighbors to us and to you.

Loving puts us on your knees, showing our faith by our deeds,
Serving the neighbors we have from you.

Kneeling at the feet of our friends, silently washing their feet,
This is the way we should live with you.

Loving God, we rejoice to be with you and with one another today. You are the God who redeems and who makes all things new! In this life, we experience fullness of life in a wide range of circumstances. This range of experiences extends from ‘blessing’ to ‘tragedy;’ from ‘joy beyond measure’ to ‘despair seemingly deeper that we can endure.’
Faithful God, you are the One who sustains us through all of the plateaus, the peaks, the depths, and everything in between! Through your grace and power, you bless people with bold, life-giving trust in you.
Compassionate and Ever-Present God, you are our refuge and strength; a very present help in all situations. Come, now, O Holy One; come to life within us and among us as we worship you. Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE — Reach Out and Touch — #505

Reach out and touch a soul that is hungry;
Reach out and torch a spirit in despair;
Reach out and touch a life torn and dirty,
A man who is lonely If you care!

Reach out and touch that neighbor who hates you;
Reach out and touch that stranger who meets you;
Reach out and touch the brother who needs you;
Reach out and let the smile of God touch thru you.

Reach out and touch a friend who is weary;
Reach out and touch a seeker unaware;
Reach out and touch, tho’ touching means losing
A part of your own self If you dare!

Reach out and give your love to the loveless;
Reach out and make a home for the homeless;
Reach out and shed God’s light in the darkness;
Reach out and let the smile of God touch thro’ you.

GOD’S WORD — James 1:19-25 — Pat Winship

SPECIAL MUSIC — His Eye Is on the Sparrow

GOD’S WORD — Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9 and Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 — Pastor Dan

SERMON — Pastor Dan


*HYMN — We Come As Guests Invited — #258

We come as guests invited When Jesus bids us dine,
HIs friends on earth united To share the bread and wine;
The bread of life is broken, The wine is freely poured
For us, in solemn token Of Christ our dying Lord.

We eat and drink, receiving From Christ the grace we need,
An in our hearts believing On Him by faith we feed;
With wonder and thanksgiving For love that knows no end,
We find in Jesus living OUr ever-present friend.

One bread is ours for sharing, One single, fruited vine,
Our fellowship declaring Renewed in bread and wine-
Renewed, sustained and given By token, sing and word,
The pledge and seal of heaven, The love of Christ our Lord.

All who desire to receive the bread and the cup are welcome. Cups in the outer circle on the communion tray contain grape juice. Other cups contain wine.

*HYMN — They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love — #119

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love

We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand
And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land:
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love

We will work with each other, we will work side by side.
We will work with each other, we will work side by side.
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride:
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love

All praise to the Father from whom all things come,
And all praise to Christ Jesus, His only Son,
And all praise to the Spirit who makes us one:
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.

*BENEDICTION — God Sends Us — Pastor Dan

*POSTLUDE — It Is Well with My Soul

July 2 – Holy Welcome

Praise God for Christ’s gifts of astonishing grace and love! Thank you for joining us on this joyful holiday weekend.

Today we will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. All are welcome at God’s table. Please gather the elements as worship begins so you may partake with us.


PRELUDE – Prelude on an American Folk Medley – Hebble

*CALL TO WORSHIP – Rod Hertenstein
One: God is gracious and merciful.
All: God is abounding in steadfast love.
One: Come to the refreshing waters God provides.
All: Come, all who are weary and carrying heavy burdens.
One: The gentle Spirit of Christ invites us.
All: We have come to find rest for our souls.

*HYMN – Patriotic Hymn Sing (verses 1 and 4 of each hymn)

America – #602

My country, ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From ev’ry mountainside Let freedom ring!

Our fathers’ God to Thee, Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing.
Long may our land be bright, With freedom’s holy light,
Protect us by Thy might, Great God our King.

America the Beautiful – #600

O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for patriot dream That sees beyond the years,
Thine alabaster cities gleam Undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea! Oh beautiful for halcyon skies

The Battle Hymn of the Republic – #604

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.

Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me;
As He died to make men holy, let us live to make men free!
While God is marching on. [Refrain]

God of our ancestors, we worship you. We thank you for our precious homeland. Help us, Dear God, to continue moving toward a time when freedom truly will ring for all people. You are the One who clothes us with joy and fills us with hope. Yours is a love mightier than any danger or fear.
We praise you for our nation. We praise you for this church. Fill us with life in this place so that we may learn to serve you in all places.
You are God of the past and of the future. Lead us as you always have led your people, O God of Wisdom and Promise. Amen.

*RESPONSE – You Are My All in All – worship booklet, p. 99

You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I’d be a fool
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name

Taking my sin, my cross, my shame
Rising again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name
Jesus, Lamb of God
Worthy is Your name

GOD’S WORD – Matthew 10:39-42 – Rod Hertenstein

SPECIAL MUSIC – America the Beautiful
Earl Kreder, Saxophone & Mike Waller, Piano

GOD’S WORD – Genesis 22:1-14 – Pastor Dan

SERMON – Pastor Dan

*HYMN – Break Thou the Bread of Life – #175

Break Thou the Bread of Life, Dear Lord, to me,
As Thou didst break the loaves Beside the sea;
Beyond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord;
My spirit pants for Thee, O Living Word.

Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord, To me, to me,
As Thou didst bless the bread By Galilee;
Then shall all bondage cease, All fetters fall,
And I shall find my peace My All in all.

Thou art the Bread of Life, O Lord, to me,
Thy holy Word the truth That saveth me;
Give me to eat and live With Thee above;
Teach me to love Thy truth, For Thou art Love.

Oh, send Thy Spirit, Lord, Now unto me,
That He may touch my eyes, And make me see;
Show me the truth concealed Within Thy Word,
And in Thy Book revealed I see the Lord.

All who desire to receive the bread and the cup are welcome to receive them here.

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors)

*HYMN – Help Us Accept Each Other – #127

Help us accept each other as Christ accepted us;
Teach us as sister, brother, each person to embrace.
Be present, Lord, among us and bring us to believe:
We are ourselves accepted and meant to love and live.

Teach us, O Lord, Your lessons, as in our daily life
We struggle to be human and search for hope and faith.
Teach us to care for people, for all, not just for some,
To love them as we find them, or as they may become.

Let Your acceptance change us so that we may be moved
In living situations to do the truth in love;
To practice Your acceptance until we know by heart
The table of forgiveness and laughter’s healing art.

Lord, for today’s encounters with all who are in need,
Who hunger for acceptance, for righteousness and for bread,
We need new eyes for seeing, new hands for holding on:
Renew us with Your Spirit; Lord, free us, make us one!


*POSTLUDE – Hymn of Gladness – Wolford