Jan. 30 Livestream – Living on the Edge

Thank you for being with us as we close out the first month of the year. Ivy Chapel members, please check your email for the Zoom link to today’s virtual annual meeting.


 PRELUDE – Pastorale – Young  

*CALLING ONE ANOTHER TO WORSHIP                                                                   

One:  Praise God, who hears our cries and who delivers.  

All:  God cares. 

One:  Hope in God, who creates life.

All:  God brings dreams into being!

One:  Open yourself to the One who knows you completely.

All:  God offers everyone ministries that we can do!

*HYMN – Come, Thou Almighty King – #88

*OPENING PRAYER                                                        

      Caring God, we are grateful for the ways that you watch over all people.  We praise you for your loving kindness, Jesus. Fill us with your Spirit as we recall the mixed blessing of your encounter with people in Nazareth. You are a Savior who boldly lives on the edge. You continue turning the world upside down, challenging us to take on new ventures and to offer new expressions of your grace. When we feel tired or disappointed, remind us that you are able to bring change even out of disappointing situations.  Christ Jesus, we celebrate that you are an Eternal Savior who continues surprising the world with courage and compassion.  May our love for you move us to follow where you lead.  Amen.

*PRAISE RESPONSE – The Greatest Thing (Verses 1, 2 and 3) – #106

 GOD’S WORD – Psalm 71:1-7, 12 – Pastor Dan

 SPECIAL MUSIC – Praise His Greatness – Hayes 

 GOD’S WORD – Luke 4:21-30 – Pastor Dan 

 SERMON – Pastor Dan 

 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER – Pastor Dan                                                                   

*HYMN –  They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love – #119

*SENDING OUT – Pastor Dan

God sends us into the world to be ‘God’s people’ joyfully offering everyone Christ’s love.

*POSTLUDE – Little Postlude – Bender 

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