May 1 Virtual Worship – The True Vine

Welcome to Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ. Today we are reminded that Jesus is the “true vine.” His love and his spirit nourish our world, even to this day. And even though we can’t see Him, we are still all connected to Him.

Our service will be live around 10 a.m. (which, if you know Ivy Chapel, that could mean 10:05). Join us on YouTube.

If you are worshipping from home, please take a moment to gather the elements of communion so you can celebrate at Christ’s table with us.

WELCOME – Rev. Dan Wilson, Pastor

PRELUDE – Anna DiVesta

One: Come; let us worship God.
All: Let all people turn to God.
One: Come; let us re-claim our baptism.
All: Let our lives bear fruit that is pleasing to God.
One: Christ is the Vine.
All: We are the branches!

HYMN – Holy, Holy – #50

  1. Holy, holy, holy, holy, Holy, holy, Lord God almighty;
    And we lift our hears before You as a token of our love,
    Holy, holy, holy, holy.
  2. Gracious Father, gracious Father, We’re so blest to be your children gracious Father;
    And we lift our heads before You as a token of our love,
    Gracious Father, gracious Father.
  3. Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus, We’re so glad that you’ve redeemed us, precious Jesus.
    And we lift our hands before You as a token of our love,
    Precious Jesus, Precious Jesus.
  4. Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Come and fill our hearts anew, Holy Spirit;
    And we lift ur voice before You as a token of our love,
    Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit.
  5. Holy, holy, holy, holy, Holy, holy, Lord God almighty;
    And we lift our hearts before ou as a token of our love,
    Holy, holy, holy, holy. UNISON PRAYER OF INVOCATION – Pastor Dan
    Wondrous God, we praise you as the Creator of all life! You are the One who creates and loves all people. May we seek to love everyone the way you do. You are the Vine. We are the branches.
    Faithful and Gracious God, come alive among us day by day. Come now; and fill our very souls with your unselfish, abundant love. We pray in your holy name, Christ Jesus. Amen. PRAISE RESPONSE – Holy Ground – #83

We are standing on holy ground, And I know that there are angels all around.
Let us praise Jesus now – We are standing in His presence on Holy ground.

GOD’S WORD – 1 John 4:7-21 – Pastor Dan


SPECIAL MUSIC – Living Water of Life (Lantz) – Anna DiVesta

GOD’S WORD – John 15:1-8 – Pastor Dan

SERMON – Pastor Dan

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (debts… debtors)

HYMN – Let Us Break Bread Together – #265

  1. Let us break bread together on our knees.
    Let us break bread together on our knees.

When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun,
Oh Lord, have mercy on me.

  1. Let us drink wine together on our knees.
    Let us drink wine together on our knees.


  1. Let us praise God together on our knees.
    Let us praise God together on our knees.


Responsive Invitation to Christ’s Table
One: Jesus Christ says, “As you eat this bread, remember me.”
All: Through the broken bread, we participate in the Body of Christ.
One: Jesus Christ says, “As you drink this cup, remember me.”
All: Through the communion cup, we participate in the Blood of Christ.
One: The gifts of God for the people of God.
All: Thanks be to God. Our Savior welcomes everyone to this table!

HYMN – We Will Glorify – #35

  1. We will glorify the King of kings, We will glorify the Lamb;
    We will glorify the Lord of lords, who is the great I Am,
  2. Lord Jehovah reign in majesty, we will bow before His Throne;
    We will worship Him in righteousness, we will worship Him alone.
  3. He is For of heaven, Lord of earth, He is Lord of all who live;
    He is Lord above the universe, all praise to Him we give.
  4. Hallelujah to the King of kings, Hallelujah to the Lamb;
    Hallelujah to the Lord of lords, who is the great I AM.


POSTLUDE – Anna DiVesta

CCLI License #456361

Dec. 6 Livestream – Second Sunday of Advent

December 6, 2020 by  
Filed under Livestream Links and Order for Worship

On this second Sunday of Advent, we light the candle of hope. As we also celebrate communion together, may you find the hope and peace you need in this season of anticipation.

Responsive Call to Worship/ Pastor Dan
One: God Most High is alive today!
All: Jesus Christ loves all people.
One: God is great!
All: And greatly to be praised!
One: Over and over, we are amazed by God!
All: God is alive this moment.
One: The God of all life; the Holy One – is closer than our next breath.
All: Let us worship God together.

Hymn/ “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” #186

Prayer of Invocation / Pastor Dan
One: Let us pray.
All: God of the living; you promise to be with your people, and you faithfully fulfill this promise! Long ago, you sent your Spirit to live among us, guiding your creation toward a hope-filled future. We join together in worship seeking your truth and your promise for our day.
O God of hope eternal, you are with us now. Help us to sense your presence and to cherish your companionship. May we receive you and serve you. Come; fulfill within us your holy purposes. We pray in your name, Christ Jesus. Amen.

Lighting the Advent Wreath / Pastor Dan
The Candle of Hope

Response “When God Is a Child” p. 95, worship booklet
Verse 1 ONLY

Children’s Message / Liz Schurwan

Special Music / “Bring Us Hope”

Scripture Reading / Pastor Dan Mark 1:1-8 and Isaiah 40:1-11

Sermon / Pastor Dan

Prayers of the People/ The Lord’s Prayer/ Holy Communion/ Pastor Dan

Hymn/ “You Are the Light” p. 100, worship booklet

Benediction / Pastor Dan

Postlude / Anna DiVesta