Prayers for God’s Healing

… We pray for Doug Scott (brother-in-law of Lowrys) who contracted COVID on vacation.  Doug is in hospital with pneumonia.

… We pray for Dolly Windle (sister-in-law of E. Stecher) who is hospitalized with an injury. 

… We pray for Zack Nix (great nephew of Lowrys) who required re-admission to the hospital for medical issues following August 10 liver surgery.  Praying that Zack will be able to be released home again soon. 

… We pray for healing for Lee Headrick who had August 21 surgery. 

… We praise God that, on August 10, Zack Nix (great nephew of Steve and Linda Lowry) received a liver transplant.  Prayers of healing for Zack in hopes his body will accept the transplanted liver. 

… Frank Strum (friend of E. Stecher) who is receiving medical treatment.

… Mildred Glenn (mother of T. Glenn) who is ill.

… Ann Molyneaux who is home following time in the hospital.

… Nancy Miller (mother of K. White) who had July 29 knee replacement surgery.  We pray for healing. 

… Zack Nix (great nephew of Steve and Linda Lowry) who is on the organ transplant list in need of a liver.

… Pat Winship who is in the process of trying to dissolve blood clots.

… healing for Ann Molyneaux who is in the hospital undergoing medical tests.

… Jan Wirtz

… Jo Ann Moody  

… Nick Wintrode is home from the hospital, and his recovery continues.

… Mildred Glenn (mother of Tom Glenn) has moved to assisted living.

… Peggy Altenbaumer (mother of Ann, friend of Wilsons) who is in the hospital. 

… Dave Moser who was discharged from care facility June 22 and is now home. 

… Noah Menke (friend of Wilsons) who has begun chemotherapy treatments for a brain tumor. (4/14/2024) 

… Mildred Glenn (mother of Tom Glenn) had surgery for a broken hip and is now in rehab.  Prayers for continued healing. 

… Jan Wirtz is healing after breaking her right fibula bone.  Jan will be in a walking boot for weeks. 

… Heide Lauer recovering from medical issues. 

… Norma Pasia has surgery early in February for a broken leg bone.  Recovering well following surgery. Prayers for continued healing. 

… Noah Menke (former drum corps member; acquaintance of S. Wilson) who has a brain tumor.  Noah had surgery Feb. 16.  He is receiving chemotherapy. (2024) 

… for Michael Bradley Kuntzman (newborn child of Amanda and Bradley Kuntzman).  

… for Bill Miller (father of K. White) who had heart bypass surgery January 22.  Prayers for Bill’s extended family, especially his wife Nancy Miller. 

… for Jan Ellersick (dear friend of J. Wirtz) who has a tumor on her spine and cancer in her lungs.  

… for Amanda Kuntzman (wife of Brad) who required emergency surgery.  

… Marsha Fix.

… continued healing for Mike Waller who was released home from hospital Dec. 24, 2023.

… for Jenny Knips (niece of K. Kuntzman) who was hospitalized Dec. 23 for emergency surgery.  

… Ed Kunst (brother of K. Kuntzman) who was hospitalized in Dec. with a severe infection. 

… for Aidan Shanahan who has a severe allergic reaction to food and is hospitalized. 

… for Ailsa Cattanach (child of dear friend of K. White) who will have January 14, 2024 surgery.

… for Mike Waller who had surgery Dec. 15.  Prayers also for Mike’s wife Kim.  

… Jenny Wagner (friend of S. Wilson) who has breast cancer.  Special prayers for Jenny’s husband Dennis.  (12/3/23 worship)  

… for Carol Witt (friend of G. Thoele) who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. (11/26/23 worship)

… for Jude Lockyear (grandson of K. Kuntzman) had knee surgery the week of Nov. 13.  Prayers for healing and recovery. 

… for Sherry Kunst (sister-in-law of K. Kuntzman) who had surgery Nov. 8.  We are grateful to God that Sherry has been making a rapid, strong recovery so far. 

… for Leslie Herbst (daughter of Molyneaux) who is receiving chemotherapy. 

… for Mike Waller receiving further medical evaluation in anticipation of future surgery. (Nov. 2023) 

… for Sarah Heend continuing to recover following Oct. 17 knee replacement surgery. 

… for Pat (friend of B. Klott) who is contending with an illness.

… Sarah Heend who is recovering following Oct. 17 knee surgery.  

… Jude Lockyear (grandson of K. Kuntzman) who has an injured knee. Still being evaluated for medical care. 

… for Dave Moser who has moved from the hospital to a rehab facility. 

… for Rob Thoele (nephew of G. Thoele) who is experiencing chronic pain. 

… for Mike Waller who is receiving therapy treatments. 

… for Karen Livingston (mother of S. Bowman) who is recovering following Sept. 20 surgery and will be receiving additional medical treatment.

… for Zack Ward (grandson of Washburns) who had surgery August 17.  Prayers for continued healing.  

… for Mike Ratliff (friend of Wilson family) who had heart surgery August 14.  Prayers for his wife Julie.

… for Jeff G. (friend of D. Wilson) who had double bypass surgery in August. 

… prayers for Bob Roever (brother of A. Molyneaux) who is experiencing heart issues.  May God provide strength and healing.  

… prayers for healing and help of all kinds for everyone physically injured, traumatized, rendered homeless, or in any way adversely affected by August 8 wildfires on the Hawaiian Island of Maui. 

… continued healing for Mike Waller.  He had his stitches removed from his foot on August 11, 2023. Thank you, God! 

… Russ Washburn who is in the hospital (7/17/2023).  Special prayers for Russ’ wife Debbie. 

… Mike Waller who had outpatient foot surgery July 21, 2023. 

… Tara Waterman who had July 20 surgery on her right eye.  

… Laverne Schmidt who is recovering from injuries she suffered in falls at the care facility where she lives. (7/10 and 7/11/2023)

… Russ Washburn who moved from a hospital to a rehab hospital for further therapy. (7/5/2023)

… Tara Waterman who had July 6 surgery on her left eye.  

… Leslie Herbst (daughter of Ann and Jack Molyneaux) who is receiving medical treatment.  Special prayers for Leslie’s husband Bo and their children. 

… Donna Grote has a stress fracture of her left knee.  

… Kathy Perry (friend of P. and C. Winship) who is receiving cancer treatment.  Prayers for Kathy and her husband Rick.

… Drew Murray (friend of C. Winship) with cancer diagnosis.  Prayers for Drew and his wife Lana. 

… Laverne Schmidt (mother of S. Wilson) at rehab facility receiving physical therapy following surgery. June 8 visit to Hospital Emergency Room. Prayers her new medication will be effective healing infection. 

… Bill Moody (father of M. Moody) as he adjusts to a new living environment. 

… Laverne Schmidt (mother of S. Wilson) who suffered a broken hip May 24 and had surgery May 25.  Prayers for Laverne and her children during her recovery. (2023)

… for Russ Washburn who is in rehab, recovering from accidental injuries on April 28.  Prayers for God’s presence with Debbie Washburn and for healing for Russ.  (5/2023 through 6/2023) 

… for Larry Nix  (brother-in-law of Steve and Linda L.) who is dealing with a cancer diagnosis.  Prayers for Larry’s wife Katherine Nix.  (5/7/23) 

… for John Parsons who had surgery April 14.  We give God thanks for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery. (2023) 

… for Kim Waller (wife of M. Waller) who had surgery.  We are thankful the surgery went so well, and we pray for continued healing and pain relief going forward.  Thank you, God.

… healing for Paula (neighbor of P. Winship). 

… healing for Cleo Steffens who has a broken wrist. (3/2023) 

… healing for Jo Ann Moody. (3/2023) 

… for Tom and Christine McCarthy (parents of C. Knoblauch).  Tom had major surgery March 22, 2023.

… for Ron Robertson (father of Robin Williamson, friend of Wilson family) who has cancer.

… for Michele (daughter of friend of E. Stecher) who has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

… we give thanks Mike Huston’s Oct. 24 surgery went well.  Prayers for continued healing. (2022) 

… for Dorothy ‘Sissy’ Bownan (cousin of J. French) who is addressing health issues. 

… prayers for Eldindabwai Singapogu (husband of Sunitha) who is experiencing physical health difficulties.

… prayers for Sunitha’s mother’s health.

… prayers for Greg Barks (partner of Kim, friend of S. Wilson) who is addressing health issues (Feb. 2022)  

… prayers for Jean Shelton (sister of J. Molyneaux) who is hospitalized with COVID. (2022)

… prayers for wellness, healing and God’s presence with those who have tested Positive for COVID-19 (January 2022) 

… Marcus Lane (son of F. Clark)  who is hospitalized and receiving medical treatment. Prayers for Marcus’ wife Shirin and their family. 

… Dave Gartner (friend of Winships) who has been diagnosed as having a congenital heart defect.  Dave has suffered a stroke.

… Barbara Wagner (good friend of G. Thoele) is facing physical health challenges.  Prayers for healing and wholeness. (Barb has since deceased later in 2022)

… Kyle Barks (son of Kim; co-worker of S. Wilson) who is COVID positive.

… Greg Barks (husband of Kim; co-worker of S. Wilson) who had surgery and complications following surgery.  Greg is now home and doing well.  Prayers for continued healing. 

… Molly Gier (daughter of J. and S. Gier) who is experiencing medical issues.  We give thanks to God that, in early December, Molly learned that she will not be required to have surgery at this time.  Praise God for this blessing!

… Sandy Smith and Mike Smith (parents of Jaime LaSalle) who have tested Positive for COVID-19. 

… Cindy Murray (friend of Winships) had breast cancer surgery Nov. 10, 2021.  

… David Rooney (husband of S. Dodge’s cousin Pam) had triple heart bypass surgery. 

… Gail Bane (sister of S. Dodge) who has COVID.

… John Bane (brother-in-law of S. Dodge) who has COVID.

… Marianne Bassler (mother-in-law of S. Bassler) who is experiencing AFib episodes and will be having cardiac ablation procedure.

… Betty Lindhorst had an accidental fall on Oct. 27.  (2021) 

… Jo Ann Moody who is receiving treatment for a recurrence of cancer. (2021)

… Barbara Wagener (friend of G. Thoele) recovering from pneumonia. (2021)

… Rick Taromino (friend of G. Thoele) diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

… Lisa Reichel Loraine (friend of B. Damsgaard) who is receiving treatment for sarcoma.

… Travis Roever  (nephew of A. Molyneaux) has been released from the hospital and he is home.  Prayers of gratitude for Travis’ recovery so far.  Prayers for continued healing from COVID infection and for patience.  God’s presence with his significant other Bianca, his brother Drew Roever, his dad Bob Roever, and his mom Paula.

… Bill Dunehew (father of S. Heend) was released from rehab and went home August 6.  Prayers for continued healing of Bill’s fracture.  (2021)

… Jane Dunehew (mother of S. Heend) is at home recovering from a spinal compression fracture.  Prayers for healing.  Jane may be having spinal surgery in the future.  (July 2021)

… Thom Kuntzman with his ongoing medical concerns. (2021)

… Rob Thoele (nephew of Gail Thoele) who is seeking relief and treatment for excruciating pain.

… Kathryn Kuntzman has carcinoma.  Kathryn is receiving a combination of radiation and chemotherapy treatments.  (June 2021) 

… Jan Wirtz who had surgery June 15 to insert a permanent shunt. (2021)

… Molly Neil (friend of DiVestas) who is recovering following surgery.  Prayers for Molly’s husband Ryan Stewart.

… Dave and Janet Lindblad (uncle and aunt of A. Altenbaumer; parents of Jennifer) –  Dave had surgery on April 27 and more recently required additional hospital care.  Janet is at home receiving hospice care.

… Joshua Lockyear (grandson of K. Kuntzman; 11-year-old son of John Lockyear) is receiving treatment for acute leukemia. (Spring 2020)

… Dave (friend of D. Wilson) who is recovering following an accidental injury.  Prayers for healing. (April 2020)

… Jen and Dagen Davidson (friends of S. Wilson); Jen is receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer while she is pregnant.

… Earl Washburn (brother of R. Washburn) who is continuing to experience medical issues as he recovers from a stroke. Prayers for Earl and his wife Sharon.

… Weston Bassler (son of Suzanne and Tim) who underwent medical testing in November. (2020)

… Lee Headrick who is experiencing loss of eyesight. May God be with Lee and provide her with the help she needs. We pray for Lee’s eyes.  (July 2020)

… Ben Williams (friend of D. Volz)  fell and broke his hip.

… Mike Penney (friend of D. Volz) had heart surgery.

… Joon Prigon (friend of D. Volz) had a stroke.  (2020)

… Andy and Roxanne Miller (friends of P. LaSalle); Andy is receiving treatment for cancer.

… healing and comfort for Jim and Judy Korn (neighbors of Litzingers); Jim had lung surgery January 15, 2020.

… continuing prayers for Donna Gaffin (friend of P. LaSalle) who is receiving treatment in preparation for a liver transplant.  Donna’s husband Bill is a co-worker of P. LaSalle.

… Lynne Crowder (high school classmate of D. Wolff) undergoing a biopsy of a possible recurrence of a tumor treated earlier this year.

… Jerry French (father of J. French) had exploratory heart surgery on Dec. 4, 2019.  Surgery went well.

… Elaine Lydon (friend of N. Litzinger) who had shoulder replacement surgery in October 2019.

… Donna Gaffin (friend of P. LaSalle)  who is receiving chemo and radiation therapy prior to a liver transplant.  Donna’s husband Bill is a co-worker of P. LaSalle.

… Will Johnston (friend of T. Lowry) who is recovering from brain surgery and will be receiving further treatment.

… Nancy Wilson (sister of L. Lowry’s sister-in-law’s sister) who broke her shoulder and her arm.  She is recovering following Sept. 14 surgery.  (9/2019)

… support and encouragement for Becky Tharenos (friend of N. Litzinger) receiving treatment for lung cancer.

… Fred Klott (cousin of J. French) had a heart attack in August.  Gratitude to God, Fred was treated and released from the hospital.  He is home!

… for Donna and Bill Gaffin (Bill is co-worker of P. LaSalle); Donna is being evaluated for a liver transplant. (7/2019)

… for Diane Droege recovering following outpatient surgery (7/2/2019)

… for Michael Lauer (son of Heide and Rudi) who experienced a stroke (6/2019).  Prayers for Michael and wife Amy.

… for Laura Griffith (cousin of D. Stevens) recovering following heart surgery.

… for John Parsons who is recovering following heart valve replacement surgery (6/6/2019)

… for Cameron Maupin (future son-in-law of co-worker of S. Wilson).  Cameron was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

… for all victims included physically wounded (Noya Dahan; Almog Peretz; and Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein) and psychologically injured in the Saturday, April 27 Shabbat service shooting at Congregation Chabad (Poway, CA). 2019

… Paris Brown (client of P. LaSalle) who is in end-stage renal failure and waiting to be placed on transplant list.

… for Marilyn Gibbs (mother of Debbie T.; friend of Sue Wilson) who is home from hospital and recovering following March 7, 2019 heart surgery.

… Jessica Branson (daughter of friends of Mike and Donna Grote) who is dealing with a recurrence of cancer.

… Lydia Disbro (daughter of Carrie Elliott; a college friend of A. DiVesta) who is experiencing a recurrence of cancer. Lydia was a patient at St. Jude Hospital in Memphis.  Her sister Zoey donated her bone marrow for a transplant, and both of the sisters are doing well presently.  Glory be to God!  Prayers for their parents, Carrie Elliott and Tim Disbro.

… prayers for healing for Chris Maxwell (friend of Trish and Mark Baker) who is receiving medical treatment.  Prayers for strength and comfort for Chris’ husband, Doug, and children, Lauren and Alex.

… healing and comfort for Cliff Heggs (friend of Washburns) contending with cancer. (11/2018)

… healing for Tom Wehling recovering from Nov. 13, 2018 knee surgery.

… Sue Wilson is recovering from Oct. 11, 2018  knee surgery.

… Michelle Moody recovering from Sept. 21, 2018 knee surgery.

… Dennis Kehm (brother of D. Washburn) recovering from Sept. 28, 2018  heart valve surgery.

… Brian Smith (friend of P. Winship) who has leukemia.

… George Guernsey (husband of C. Steffens’ niece Carol Miller) recovering from hip surgery Aug 15, 2018.

… Bob Stelmach (friend of Litzingers)  in his recovery from a concussion and surgery. Prayers also for Bob’s wife Carol.

… Zack Ward (grandson of R. Washburn) who had surgery July 14, 2018 and is recovering.

… Michael Winship was released from hospital. Prayers for continued healing following July 1, 2018 heart surgery.

… Bill and Darcy Holford (uncle and aunt of Anna DiVesta); Bill was in a serious auto accident June 14.  Has returned to Peoria and is in rehab facility.  Prayers for God’s healing and blessings.

… Barb Smith and her husband Jim (friends of P. LaSalle); Barb is recovering after a lengthy hospital stay.

… Brenda Thomas (friend of S. Lindhorst) who had surgery May 22. Prayers for Brenda and her son Chase.

… Sara Crook (friend and past co-worker of C. Tichy) had surgery May 15.

… Mike McGowan (28-yr-old friend of Lindhorst family) suffered a major stroke. Prayers for strength and recovery.

… Dena Stegmann (friend of E. Stecher) recovering from open heart surgery.

… Walter Denton (friend of C. Ramey) cancer has returned.

… Lucy LaSalle (wife of P. LaSalle’s cousin Norman) who is receiving experimental treatment for breast cancer.

… Jeanette Gartner (friend of Winships) who had heart procedure.  Prayers Jeanette’s heart will remain in rhythm.

… for Sue Ritinger (co-worker of Sue Wilson) who is receiving cancer treatment.

… for Liz Burns (friend of L. Lowry) receiving treatment for breast cancer.  Liz had a 2nd surgery Sept. 25, 2017.

… for Sue Lindhorst who had surgery Sept. 5. (2017)

… for Jeanette Gartner (friend of Pat and Carl Winship) experiencing heart problems.  Prayers that medication will resolve Jeanette’s medical issues, so that Jeanette will not require surgery.

… for Bryant Craig (friend of N. Marston) has bladder cancer.

… Steve Scalise (U. S. House of Representatives Majority Whip) injured in June 14, 2017 shooting.

… Matt Mika (director of government relations for Wash., D. C. office of Tyson Foods) injured in June 14 shooting.

… Zachary Barth (staff member working with U. S. Rep. Roger Williams) injured in June 14 shooting.

… Crystal Griner (U. S. Capitol Police Officer) injured in June 14 Alexandria, Virginia shooting.

… David Bailey (U. S. Capitol Police Officer) injured in June 14 Alexandria, Virginia shooting.

… all people traumatized by the violence of the June 14 Alexandria, Virginia shooting. (2017)

… Stephanie Stearns (daughter of B. Otterson) who is recovering from a traumatic brain injury and broken bones as a result of being thrown from a horse. (2017)

… Lucy and Norman LaSalle (cousin of P. LaSalle) –  Lucy was recently diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer; evaluating treatment options.

… Jerry Diekroeger, Jr. (friend of Steffens and Washburns)  –   2017.

… Kristin Lowry  (fiancee of Dan Doetzel; Dan is a co-worker of A. Scott).  Kristin received a liver transplant April 23.  Sadly, her body rejected the kidney.  Miraculously, another liver was located and Kristin received a 2nd liver transplant May 3.  Our prayers for a successful transplant for Kristin continue.

… for Linda Brazeal (wife of John Brazeal, a friend of C. Ramey) who is receiving hospice care  –  2016.

… for Marlene who had surgery Aug. 25, 2016.

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